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Estimados socios,
Os hacemos legar el último informe semestral AANA (Asociación Americana de Enfermeras de Anestesia) donde se explican las diversas reuniones que se han realizado. Una peculiaridad a destacar es que la IFNA; dela que ASEEDAR-TD forma parte, ha realizado una donación de 5000 dólares al Mercy Ship, podes consultar en proyecto en : .
Se necesitan enfermeras/os de anestesia como voluntarias/os Disponen de 4 quirófanos y siempre está presente la enfermera de anestesia.
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Hello IFNA friends and family!
I hope everyone is well. We are moving into our fall season in the US and looking forward to the upcoming Holidays. I wanted to give you an update and also share the latest issue of the AANA online newsletter with you.
IFNA is continuing to work hard on behalf of our member countries and the specialty of nurse anesthesia. Here is a short update on a few of our activities:
The AANA meeting was held in September in Washington, DC. IFNA attendees were First Vice-President Ingrid Andersson (Sweden), Executive Committee Member Gye Seon Jeong (Korea), and CNR Lorna Calder (Jamaica). From the US, IFNA practice committee member Jim Walker and education committee member Becky Madsen also attended the meeting. I arrived to DC a few days late coming directly from the International Council of Nurses Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Practice Nursing Network meeting. Executive Committee member Jennifer Yang (Taiwan) attended the ICN meeting with me, and also gave a very well received oral presentation, on what nurse anesthetists did in Taiwan, at the ICN meeting. Well done, Jennifer!
There has been a lot of APAP activity and work going on as renewal of programs accreditation status is due – thank you Marianne Reisen and Betty Horton for all of your work. Additionally, Marianne chaired an APAP level 3 accreditation visit to Bergen, Norway in September. Jennifer Yang was the second team member for the visit. Thank you both for taking the time to represent and serve the IFNA.
A little over a week ago, I traveled to Chicago, IL to meet with Dr. Michelle White, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Mercy Ships, Benin. Dr. White was in the US to attend the American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting and to give a presentation at the meeting. Our meeting was very cordial and interesting. As you know, the IFNA CNR voted to give Mercy Ships a $5000 donation and was hoping the money could be used to help train nurses in anesthesia. I had a very good meeting with Dr. White and there are several places our donation can be used to help with educational training of nurse anesthetists. Dr. White shared that Benin has about 10 Anesthesiologists and about 200 nurse anesthetists. Further, Mercy Ships does use nurse anesthetists to staff their 4 operating rooms, but it is most helpful if the nurse anesthetist is able to take call and function independently. Currently, they are in need of French speaking medical help and would love any French speaking nurse anesthetist volunteers. Anesthesia volunteers normally work 2 weeks on the ship, which is anchored in Benin until summer. Thank you to Hermi Lohnert who has been coordinating the communication between IFNA and Mercy Ships and for his continued interest in promoting nurse anesthesia on the global level.
The G4 Alliance for safe Surgical, Trauma, Obstetrics, and Anesthesia care is meeting next week in Washington, DC. Pascal serves on the membership committee (thank you Pascal) and I currently serve on the standards committee, fundraising committee, and as the IFNA representative to the G4 Permanent Council and Board of Directors. I will be representing the IFNA at the meeting next week. This organization now has over 75 organization as members each organization holding one board member and vote – until now. G4 has planned a succession to a smaller Board of Directors with each organization maintaining a seat on a Permanent Council, who will advise the Board. The Permanent Council will elect 3 people to serve on the G4 Board of Directors for a one year term while the G4 nominating committee is bringing forth a slate of candidates for 3 year Board terms. Board candidates must have prior board experience. The G4 nominating committee selected me as a candidate for a Board of Directors position and I underwent a Skype interview on Oct. 11th. Elections will take place next week in Washington for the new G4 Board of Directors. Follow the slate election, the permanent council will elect its members to serve on the Board of Directors. I am honored to have been chosen as a candidate for the Board of Directors, and to represent you and the IFNA. You may learn more about the G4 Alliance by visiting their website:
Your officers, Congress Planning Committee, and executive director will be meeting in London for our fall meeting. The CPC will meet on Thursday December 15, and the officers will meet on Friday-Saturday December 16-17th. Please let me know if anyone has an issue or matter you would like the Officers to add to our meeting agenda.
Other information:
Following the fall IFNA Officers/CPC meeting, our IFNA representatives to the ESA will travel to Paris for their end of the year meeting.
The Spring IFNA meeting will be held in Budapest in May. That meeting will include the Officers, Executive Committee, CPC, Education and Practice Committee.
The IFNA history book committee, chaired by Sandy Ouellette, is tentatively planning a meeting in Chicago, IL in July. This will depend upon whether or not we are able to receive funding for the meeting and continuation of the project.
As you can see, there is always a great deal of work going on within the IFNA. I will be back in touch with you sometime soon after our December meeting.
Blessings to you all.